Liturgical news
On the Renewal of the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in the Melkite Greek Catholic Church by Patriarch Gregorios III
5 2 2015

On the Renewal of the Liturgy
of Saint John Chrysostom
in the Melkite Greek Catholic Church
by Patriarch Gregorios III
of Saint John Chrysostom
in the Melkite Greek Catholic Church
by Patriarch Gregorios III

This beautifully illustrated small book is an English translation of reflections on liturgical renewal by Patriarch Gregorios III, primate of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, and new liturgical texts for prayers for various feast-days of the liturgical year.
Copies of the book, priced $15.00 USD,can be purchased on line from Eastern Christian Publications. (See link below.)
“We are delighted to welcome the appearance of this English language booklet containing a number of important texts documenting the work of the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission over the last half-century in reforming and animating the liturgy.
Appearing for the first time in English are two Patriarchal Decrees: our edict dated 15 February, 2005, finalising the process of these liturgical reforms after the publication of the liturgical books, and one issued in 1991 by my predecessor of blessed memory, Maximos V, validating the work of the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission and encouraging unity around the proposed liturgical reforms.
There follows our essay on the Renewal of the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, describing the pioneering work of the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission, together with an English language text of antiphons composed by the commission, suitable for use in our Melkite Church.”
Patriarch Gregorios III